William Patrick Wend () is a lecturer in the liberal arts department at
Burlington County College. You can contact him by .


In Progress
“Virtual Macbeth: An Interview With Dr. Angela Thomas.” Transformative Works & Cultures (Forthcoming Spring 2010) (Draft upload soon)
War Prayers: Hypertext Novella. 2004.
Shelley Jackson: The Writer Whose Medium Is Reality. Feature article for The Quarterly Conversation. March 2010.
. MA Thesis, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. May 2009.
Intro To E-Lit: How Electronic Literature Makes Printed Literature Richer. Feature article for The Quarterly Conversation. March 2009.
Scholarly/Conference Presentations
(March 2011, Ocean County College)
(May 2009, Monmouth University)
(December 2008, Monmouth University)
(April 2008, Monmouth University)
(November 2007, Monmouth University)
Blogging Woolf: Writer for scholarly Virginia Woolf weblog, 2010.
Digital Humanities Now: Real time, crowd sourced, online publication which aggregates the pulse of the digital humanities community over a number of Internet tools, 2009.
New Media Projects
Hardcore Show Flyers: An archive of hardcore punk gig flyers from 1978-2008. 2007-Present
Quick Fix Magazine: Monthly column and photographs focusing on independent music and culture. 2007.
Signifying Nothing: Podcast covering independent music & online webzine focusing on independent music, culture and a final resting place for my self published fanzines from 1995-2002. 2005-2007, 2010.
Scholarly Guest Blogging
: Academics and Social Media: #mla09 and Twitter, 2010.
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