As of fall 2011, William Patrick Wend () will be a lecturer in the liberal arts department at
Burlington County College. You can contact him by .


In Progress
“Virtual Macbeth: An Interview With Dr. Angela Thomas.” Transformative Works & Cultures (Forthcoming Spring 2010) (Draft upload soon)
War Prayers: Hypertext Novella. 2004.
Shelley Jackson: The Writer Whose Medium Is Reality. Feature article for The Quarterly Conversation. March 2010.
. MA Thesis, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. May 2009.
Intro To E-Lit: How Electronic Literature Makes Printed Literature Richer. Feature article for The Quarterly Conversation. March 2009.
Scholarly Presentations
(May 2009), Monmouth University)
(December 2008), Monmouth University
(April 2008, Monmouth University)
(November 2007, Monmouth University)
Blogging Woolf: Writer for scholarly Virginia Woolf weblog, 2010.
Digital Humanities Now: Real time, crowd sourced, online publication which aggregates the pulse of the digital humanities community over a number of Internet tools, 2009.
New Media Projects
Hardcore Show Flyers: An archive of hardcore punk gig flyers from 1978-2008. 2007-Present
Quick Fix Magazine: Monthly column and photographs focusing on independent music and culture. 2007.
Signifying Nothing: Podcast covering independent music & online webzine focusing on independent music, culture and a final resting place for my self published fanzines from 1995-2002. 2005-2007, 2010.
Scholarly Guest Blogging
: Academics and Social Media: #mla09 and Twitter, 2010.
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