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Posts Tagged ‘Hypertext’

(Re)Framing Transmedial Narratives

The absolute highlight of my time at MLA09 was the night panel on transmedia narratives. I finally got to meet my friend Christy Dena and also catch up with some other friends. Here are my notes:

Marc Ruppel

  • The biggest shift in storytelling has been multiplatform narratives
  • What are they? digital/analog, oral/audio, etc
  • Examples of transmedia narratives: Lost, Buffy The Vampire Slayer series eight comic, etc
  • Connectivity: Edges as transactional spaces
  • Reading paths, instead of just left to right now…(It’s refreshing to hear this; I’ve been saying this for a long time!!!)

Migratory cues:

  • Direct-URLs, books, phone numbers, business cards (the series Heroes was the example for some of these)
  • Intermedial-Direct prescence of one site’s content in anothers
  • Intersectional-One site reflects and approximates momentary events of another
  • Often used in combination
  • Visualize network as a whole

Christy Dena

After this, I just sat and listened to everything Christy was saying. Her work is fascinating and close to what I originally wanted to write about in my Master’s Thesis before sliding to something more “Englishy” (see about Distributed Narrative)

I also asked a question to Marc and Christy about the role of canon in fan culture. Specifically, I was curious how they regarded fan fiction and spinoff noncanonical media in regards to their examples of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Doctor Who. The BTVS series eight comic is pretty established as canonical, but what about Doctor Who where there are numerous comics, Big Finish audios, and other things where their place in the canon is murky at best. Both Marc and Christy said that trying to decipher between all of that just wasn’t worth doing, so they regards everything in the same manner. I can certainly understand that.

Afterwards, while catching up with Christy, we also talked about the defining of new terms which she does in her work. While writing my Master’s Thesis, I had trouble enough with resistance to terms like ergodic, distributed narrative, hypertext, etc. Christy is creating new terms as she goes.

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Spring 2008 Symposium Notes

I have put together Toni & I’s notes from our collaborative presentation entitled into a single PDF for viewing. I am very proud of our work during the spring semester. We worked together and pooled our interests, both unique and similiar, to examine the political history of how “texts” are defined.

All of this will be going back into my MA thesis, which due to some financial constraints, has not seen much new research but a few new branches in my thinking have developed. More on that soon. I can happily announce as well that I started the first version of a rough draft a few days ago. Once I have something remotely resembling a semi-completed draft I will leave a continually updated link on the sidebar for those who would like to follow along.

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Mr. Palomar

Recently read: Mr. Palomar by Italo Calvino.

I think this is my favorite Calvino novel. This brief book offers some lovely philosophical ideas and has the feel of a hypertext novel. I really feel this could be adapted to hypertext rather effectively. While Invisible Cities and If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler break down the barriers between reader and author, Mr. Palomar breaks down the barrier between reader and idea. I tend to prefer that these days.

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Feral Hypertext : When Hypertext Literature Escapes Control

A new idea! Instead of a weekly update of what I am reading for my thesis and the project Toni and I are working on, how about I just blog my research daily as it goes on. Bear with me: I am bouncing between a number of sources so posts will go back and forth between them often. My goal is to upload one per day. In fact, if all goes well the focus of this blog will shift for the time being to my current, in progress, research and writing almost exclusively.

Oh, I will get back to War Prayers soon.

History Lesson
My first entry will be for Jill Walker-Rettberg‘s . Dr. Walker’s paper offers a lot of useful information on two fronts. There is plenty of good historical information about hypertext and many useful arguments for what Toni and I are working towards in our project, which is moving towards a focus on how texts have been, and are, defined and how this effects electronic literature. Walker argues that hypertext before the World Wide Web is “domesticated…bred in captivity” (1). She continues by arguing that hypertext was, however, always intended for individual users. In 1974, Ted Nelson insists that ordinary people need to have access to personal computers. Thirty years before, in an essay for The Atlantic in 1945, Vannevar Bush also argues for this:

Consider a future device for individual use, which is a sort of mechanized private file and library. It needs a name, and to coin one at random, “memex” will do. A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.

Continuing the historical look, Nelson creates the term “hypertext” in 1965. Two years later, Julia Kristeva does the same for Intertextuality. What becomes important here for my own thinking is, as Walker notes, the similarities between contemporary critical theory and hypertext have been pointed out numerous times, including, the work I am most familiar with, George Landow’s Hypertext 2.0 from 1997. Walker is quick to point out, as Landow is as well, that the “relationship between hypertext and critical theory is not that simple” (3).

Walker continues by offering a brief history of preweb hypertext systems like Hypercard and Storyspace:

Though the first personal computers became available in the late seventies, the first home hypertext systems weren’t available till the late eighties. Peter Brown’s GUIDE [8] was followed by HyperCard, a hypertext authoring system that was packaged with Macintosh computers. Soon afterwards, Eastgate’s Storyspace became available, first for the Macintosh and later for the PC. Tinderbox, released from Eastgate in 2001, is probably the tool that most closely follows in the footsteps of these systems, which were very much created in the spirit of Vannevar Bush and the desire for an intimate extension to memory. These hypertext authoring systems allow an individual to organise his or her personal notes and create his or her own self-contained hypertext which can be shared with others by copying it onto a diskette or CD or by emailing it as a single file. While Tinderbox and HyperCard were primarily intended as organisational tools, Storyspace was explicitly developed as a tool for fiction authors.

The Evolution Of The Writerly Text
Distribution of literary hypertext before the World Wide Web still shared many of the characteristics of the bounded text. Like a copy of Sorrentino’s Aberration of Starlight in paperback, a CD of Shelley Jackson’s Patch Work Girl still restricted readers to a “sustained reading of a self-contained work” (5). The rise of cheaper personal computers and the World Wide Web began to allow anyone with an Internet account to publish on the web, link, and be linked to. This led to what Walker refers to as “feral hypertext,” hypertext that is “no longer tame and domesticated” (1). For my own work, the most important point here is that hypertext on the World Wide Web in general cannot be tamed any longer. Hypertext is very unruly and rather disobedient!

As Walker points out, literary hypertext that has gone, in her words, “feral” demands of the reader “to accept structures that are neither predefined nor clearly boundaried” (2). Collaboratively written works like The Unknown and digital poetry like Megan Sapnar and Ingrid Ankerson’s Cruising defy the boundaries of the bounded text. An interactive memoir like Caitlin Fisher’s These Waves Of Girls is an unruly and rather untamed account of growing up told with audio and visual links. After making sure to note that Landow and others have pointed out the differences between critical theory and hypertext while pointing out their similarities, Walker expresses the idea, which I strongly agree with, that theorists involved with critical theory and intertextuality are already arguing that texts are unruly and extremely disobedient. Literary hypertext on the World Wide Web is an evolution of the writerly text. Hypertext that is feral is, as I see it, an interactive expression of the writing of the work on authorship of theorists like Foucault, Derrida, and Barthes.

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New Issues Of Fibreculture & Hyperrhiz

I am happy to report a few new journal issues worth looking into. Via Grand Text Auto comes word that the newest issue of Fibreculture has been released. Among those writing essays for it are favorites of mine like Scott Rettberg and Celia Pearce.

A little older, but via Writer Response Theory comes word a new issue of Hyperrhiz is out now. Among those writing for this issue are more personal favorites like Stephanie Strickland and Mark Marino. Marino has more about his submission on the above linked WRT post.

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Notes On Hypertext

Some notes on hypertext from my senior seminar two springs ago:

    • Hypertext challenges narrative and all literary form based on linearity

    • Hypertext fiction’s plot, setting, etc are subject to change

    • Hypertext is a threat to literature and its institutions; they are known, hypertext is the unknown

    • Hypertext is non or multi linear

    • Hypertext opens major questions about a story and plot by doing away with linear organization

    • There is no official “version” of a story; each reader implements their own version as they proceed through the text

    • Hypertexts can continue infinitely and indefinitely

    • Hypertexts always have an end, but there is not always closure

    I. Hypertext takes on four forms:

    A. Reader Choice, Intervention, and Empowerment
    B. Inclusion of extra linguistic segments (images, music, sound)
    C. Complexity of network structure
    D. Degree of variation and layer in literary elements (plot, setting, etc)
    E. There are three types of hypertext-fictional, informational, and educational

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The Sovereignty and Goodness of God

A few weeks months ago I blogged about the hypertext project I took part in when I was in Literary Research. This semester’s class, taught by Deborah Gussman, did their hypertext project on Mary Rowlandson’s The Sovereignty and Goodness of God.

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