- April 11th, 2009
- via : the Lakers replayed the Marvin Gaye national anthem tonight at their game:
- Good night/morning, off to bed once I finish watching @ on Colbert
- @ haha that happened to me the 1st time I used Second Life too. Page down also fixed it.
- Ars Technica on Ubuntu 9.04 (out in 3 weeks!) http://is.gd/pDO0
- @ Say Hi to everyone for me; I have too much going on down here to make it up.
- Remixing my GCal. NP:Curtis Mayfield-Curtis
- testing something
- testing it again
- Test #
- Test 4 #
- Ok I tried to add that selective Twitter app to Facebook, but it won’t update at all now.
- @ Good morning.
- @ I am listening to an Australian band right now.
- Oh now it is working. Good.
- @ The Birthday Party
- @ One of my favorite bands. Early eighties postpunk (I guess? That’s the best description I suppose) http://is.gd/qNAp
- @ Oh wow. Yes very small!
- Emily Short on agency in Interactive Fiction: http://emshort.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/types-of-action-and-types-of-agency/ #
- Good morning/evening. Have to write weblog posts and work on thesis revisions today. NP: Harmony In My Head podcast from last week.
- @ Did you go last night?
- @ you can interchange the “well, Obama didn’t change that policy, so BUSH WAS RIGHT” meme as well. the worst crap.
- Oh, I weblog roll last night too
- New Weblog Post: Weekly Reader https://wpwend.com/?p=1708 #
- If you’ve sent me an email in the past 3 or 4 days, I am answering it right now #
- Writing weblog posts for the week
- Posts written on John Joseph’s book + Backtype. Scrapped two others.
- NP: Ornette Coleman-Sound Grammar
- @ I am very envious of you + others power to get that done.
- watching @ live tweet women’s pro soccer. NP: Miles Davis-Cellar Door Sessions Disc 4
- Watching first two episodes of the Second Doctor adventure “The Seeds Of Death” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seeds_of_Death
- Hmm…an Australian job Twitter profile added me…
- @ Thanks for adding me, big fan of OLM
- Good morning/evening. Starting in new school district today. Going to leave a little early b/c I am not sure on the map where the school is!
- Long day (in a good way) at new work. Ran into old friend from shows. Also, mother of deceased best friend. Which was sad but awesome too.
- Just listed myself in the http://localtweeps.com local Twitter directory in ZIP 08050
- New Weblog Post: Evolution Of A Cro-Magnon https://wpwend.com/?p=1715 #
- Working on some thesis revisions. Want to have new (final?) draft by end of week. Listening to new ep of All Go No Slow! http://is.gd/r5Dh
- @ Twhirl isn’t showing either yours or my icon either right now!
- RT : From The Onion: “Scholars Discover 23 Blank Pages That May As Well Be Lost Samuel Beckett Play” http://bit.ly/jxYr #
- @ They were so kind to add me to their weblogroll, so am especially excited to promote them. need more + more digital pubs like it.
- @ I’m not losing anything but icons, so plenty of room over here
- @ your pic is back now
- @ added!
- RT : The Alternate Reality Game database is now on Twitter. Let them know what sort of info you’d like to see: @
- @ Hmm, now all of my msgs are gone from Twhirl!
- @ I get the same from English.
- Watching eps 3 + 4 of The Seeds Of Death
- @ I update a few accounts (and FriendFeed) using Twhirl
- @ Twhirl is great in Linux too!
- Good morning/evening. So far, not working today (but already scheduled for Thursday!). Need to email adviser w/ a thesis idea.
- @ Yes, a Twitter presence would be great. RSS is good, but being on Twitter gets attention much easier/quicker. A great idea.
- Finished rereading Woolf’s “Three Guineas” this morning. Next up: Barth’s “On With The Story”
- Vermont FTW http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2009/04/07/us/AP-GayMarriage-Vermont.html?_r=2&hp #
- Just submitted a proposal to Transformative Works & Culture: http://journal.transformativeworks.org
- @ An interview proposal about MMOs. I loved the Ashby essay on fan fiction and anime in their first issue.
- @ they def look awesome on women
- Printing off pieces of original thesis draft and working with it for new version. Had a great idea today for one portion #
- @ Yes! I think I have a solid breakthrough. One of the original portions I might just cut out however b/c it’s just not working
- @ A few pieces that are gonna not make the cut might be flippable into journal articles however. So hooray.
- @ Yep
It looks like I will have plenty to keep myself busy with for awhile…
- @ I don’t play much right now, but the proposal is about literature + 2nd life, especially the work of @ (but don’t tell her!)
- @ you got a DM
- @ Have a wonderful day Christy
- Hey, 7 of 9 is on Law & Order tonight.
- Ok time for bed…have work in the morning
- Good morning/evening. A lot to do today after work. Have a run, thesis revisions, and then more and more and more.
- @ Wow, there is a New Jersey one now? I can just imagine now bad.
- RT : Tweflth Night in Second Life – pics from the performance http://tinyurl.com/dahlln
- Back home. Today was Greek day so I got to teach myths all day and discuss Greek mythology in general to pretty interested sixth graders.
- @ How is the weather up by you? It got real cold down here in the past 24 hours.
- Listening to Amy Goodman repeatedly sneeze but make it throw the news headlines on DN!. Over power, over come.
- @ 9th grade. Just getting into punk more seriously. friend i was w/ was bummed “Kurt is gonna go to hell” defriended him quickly.
- @ is there a way on Feministing to get a feed on weblog comments that I “like”? I’d love to add that to FriendFeed.
- Oldie but goodie: Mr. Rogers was a proponent of fair use: http://tinyurl.com/38pxob #
- @ I skim comments on Feministing + occasionally hit “like” button. I’ve kinda got comment thread burnout in general from all sites.
- @ But yeah, glad you like my idea. Would be a cool way to share even more stuff.
- Typing up notes I found for a fiction project I never started. Prob 2 years old. Still looks pretty good.
- @ Yeah, you are totally right, that’s a way better way to describe it.
- I’m surprised there isn’t a “Twitter Crush” Web Site yet.
- I like having subbing listings Online, but hate that I am now obsessively refreshing.
- Also: new district I am in has morning announcements available via RSS. Cool.
- Democracy Now! is on Twitter: @
- @ I’m sure there already are and probably always have been. Just seems a lot more transparent nowadays.
- @ A live event I really enjoy is the nightly/morning set of tweet links you offer!
- @ we can work on that
- Nice! Just got email to upgrade GrandCentral account to Google Voice
- Watching final 2 eps of The Seeds Of Death
- Ah! @ from Dollhouse is on Twitter. The best part of the show by FAR.
- Oh, Good morning/evening. Eating breakfast right now then shower and then food shopping w/ Mom. Cat is sleeping under desk.
- A site that auto runs a “virus scan” just showed up in my Google Alerts. New method for scummy malware/virus creators to get you to click?
- @ Thankfully I am not running Windows.
- @ In WordPress I use a plugin called Twitter Tools
- Kristeva + Moi essays on de Beauvoir in new PMLA #
- RT : Hey folks! Follow @ on twitter–NOW!!!
- @ Fox cutting Dollhouse’s last ep=I don’t think will invest in a Fox show ever again. Sick of this bullshit network screwing shows
- New Weblog Post: Backtype https://wpwend.com/?p=1717 #
- @ Selena!
- @ With
- @ I blogged about Backtype today https://wpwend.com/?p=1717
- @ Ugh, yes.
- @ They’re pissed their 2000 year old scam is falling apart. Only people I’ve banned have been Christians too.
- @ We got extra this week *passes you some*
- Piecing new thesis draft together from original draft. Devoting all morning/afternoon tomorrow to tinkering w/ some ideas. #
- Great new Firefox Add On=Tree Style Tab http://tinyurl.com/3bhosa I now have my tabs at bottom of screen
- It lets you hide your tab bar too. FTW!
- Welcome my pal (going back to IRC and Newsgroups!) Selena @ to Twitter
- Good morning. Slept in bit this morning so late start. working on thesis until run at 3pm.have last.fm library on shuffle: http://is.gd/rM6L
- Just had a proposal accepted for a journal #
- Strongly considering scrapping portion of thesis about PWG. just isn’t working for me & is kinda redundant now given section on TWOG/Dracula
- @ I love my Gateway laptop. I mostly run Ubuntu Linux on it, but have XP partition also. No big problems ever.
- @ Mine gets really hot once in awhile, but I figured out the combo of programs that did it and then it ceased.
- RT : Tip of the Week– A dating web site actually uses your Netflix rental and rating history for matching: http://twurl.nl/mg6ta4
- @ OHH a piece of my thesis might be spinable for that journal. thanks for linking
- @ please thank SG for recommending Tree Style Tabs. Really changing my Firefox experience. I love the tab auto hide feature.
- Off for run and then dinner. Be back.
- RT : The Consequences of Anti-LGBT Bullying http://tinyurl.com/cw2ayw
- @ How many years back with Backtype eventually crawl for comments? Seems to be going further back for me (which is great!)
- @ haha people do that on garden state parkway too. total epic fail when they almost plow into a cop responding to an accident/etc.
- @ socialist class war spreads to our highways! alert glenn beck!
- @ No, but I am now.
- Finishing up a few odds and ends before Dollhouse. NP:Mahavishnu Orchestra-Birds Of Fire Morning to @ and @
- @ Erm, there was supposed to be a “good” before morning. Wishing a good morning, not just a morning
- Going to channel @ for next few hours & offer links to what I reading NP: The Blue Humans-Live New York 1980
- Taken from: http://delicious.com/wpwend42/read
- @ rip slamhita long live desifeminista!
- Reading about Shia Family Laws in Afghanistan. Boy freedom sure is on the march there ugh: http://is.gd/rVWl
- Reading about UofM going digital: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2009/03/23/michigan
- Nice comment about UofM from In The Middle: hopefully the turn to digital is the end of the $90 scholarly book: http://is.gd/rW0j
- Reading Double Cross @ excellent interview w/ Ivo from the NJHC band Vision: http://is.gd/rW11
- Reading about misogynists on the Internet: http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2007/03/31/sierra/ HT to @
- @ Ok, sounds good. I’ll try to submit more weblogs/individual posts that are older to help out.
- NP: Hendrix’s Peel Session 12-15-67..the version of Spanish Castle Magic on here is really wild.
- Freja Beha Erichsen is really beautiful (pics NSFW probably) http://tinyurl.com/dyk698
- Reading about evolution on weaponry on BTVS http://slayageonline.com/essays/slayage27/Hoffmann.htm
- @ Hey you’re coming to the bash right?
- @ I really enjoyed last night’s ep. Great work by @ & I love the development of DeWitt further. Bummed 2 week wait.
- Rushdie on Bolano: http://tinyurl.com/c3swom HT to @
- Checking out TOC for new issue of Open Letters Monthly http://tinyurl.com/c953yr
- Daily Kos on “perfect storm” of right wing hatred: http://tinyurl.com/co99jl
- More on Internet misogyny http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/apr/06/gender.blogging
- I was thrilled to supporter of the woman profiled in those two articles.
- @ Yep, will do. I have years of comments saved on the dying Furl website I need to go through and submit to Backtype
- NP: Lon Moshe & Southern Freedom Arkestra-Love Is Where The Spirit Lies
- Lars Weiss of Uppercut/Judge/etc interviewed by @ http://tinyurl.com/cl4fra
- Reading @ on drug decriminalization in Portugal http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/04/02/portugal/index.html
- Wired on @ filling his admin w/ RIAA people http://tinyurl.com/crqgc4
- The hair on my arms stands up when they play the old TWiB theme at the end of the new version of TWiB #
- @ Why do guys even think that would work? Ugh.
- Twitter idea=service that sends you a tweet when new calendar item is coming up. (wait, suggest me a site that does this? I bet they exist)
- Immediately found results using Greasemonkey Twitter script in Google search http://tinyurl.com/c63d7s
- Hmm, most results seem to be for adding gcal events via twitter, not receiving a tweet from a gcal when an event nears.
- Been rewatching Beast Wars on DVD…ala another 90′s favorite, Gargoyles, there are a LOT of Shakespeare references.
- RT : Liked “Warning: Twitter Hit By StalkDaily Worm” http://ff.im/23Stw
- @ My favorite classic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperland
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