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Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

Hacking The Academy: Lessons Learned From 15 Years of Hardcore-Punk Shows About Hacking The Academic Conference

I’m not sure if this is exactly the style they wanted, but here is my contribution for the Hacking The Academy collection. Last week, a CFP went up on Prof Hacker to put together an edited volume of essays in different forms of media about, well, hacking the academy. Among those putting this together is Dan Cohen from Zotero. I decided to write about what attending and promoting hardcore-punk shows for the past 15 years taught me about academic conferences.

Lessons Learned From 15 Years of Hardcore-Punk Shows About Hacking The Academic Conference

A lot of this I’d already deciphered by the time I was 15 years old. I spent my youth attending hardcore punk shows in, primarily, the tri-state and Delaware Valley area. I had a lot of ups and downs in regard to this, but a lot of the experiences, both good and bad, prepared me to “hack” my experience at academic conferences. Like hardcore shows, I only attend a handful of conferences per year. This is due to a variety of concerns: finances, lack of ability to travel, and a strong tendency towards being antisocial keep me at home or on campus most of the time.

I was originally drawn to the digital humanities because it encompassed a lot of the things I wasn’t seeing fully actualized by DIY hardcore. While underground and outside of the mainstream, although that is unfortunately changing, hardcore-punk is often very slow to change and evolve. Fans sneer at new means for communicating, producing and distributing records, and changing attitudes about digital media. The digital humanities are constantly changing and innovating, progressing in new and interesting ways. “Unconferences” like #thatcamp and forward thinking meetings like Digital Humanities 2009 are how I have always envisioned conferences being, but never had seen before. Projects like this one, where a book is compiled over a week, are much more “hardcore” than the ridiculous, conservative, nonsense which passes for it music wise.

When I first began attending conferences about five years ago, I drew from years of attending hardcore shows to make my experience much more interesting and productive. Here are some of the lessons I can offer for “hacking” the academic conference:

  • You don’t have to attend every conference (aka just say no): I go to, maybe, a handful of hardcore shows a year. By December, I have attended around the same amount of conferences. As a teenager and in college I wasted a lot of time, energy, and money going to hardcore shows “just to go,” or because a friend of a friend’s band was playing, and other stupid excuses. As an academic, if I even remotely feel like my attendance at a conference is due to a circumstance like this, I am not going. If the money isn’t there, the schedule is bad, the presentation you want to see is the metaphorical headlining band and you can’t see yourself waiting, just say no.
  • If you don’t go you can still keep in touch: The first half of my senior year of high school, I barely attended any shows because I was working every weekend at a crappy job as a dietician in a nursing home. Back then, 1996, I got caught up on shows and other concerns via IRC. I would wait up until my friends logged on at night and get all of the information I needed about the show. These days, this can be done in near real time via applications like Twitter and FriendFeed. A great example of this was the Twitter stream from Digital Humanities 2009. I did not attend, primarily because of a lack of financial resources, but I was able to follow the conference due to the #dh09 hashtag on Twitter. Many attendees live tweeted the conference, posting notes and comments about the panels they attended. Interested parties, like myself, could not only follow that stream, but offer questions for attendees to ask panelists. I could also comment and interact with those who attended and participated, offering my own thoughts and ideas as the conference progressed. Many new friendships and connections were also formed during this process.
  • People who seem totally cool online can and will be jerks in real life: Attending hardcore shows for years, one of the most heartbreaking things for me was finding out someone in a band or a fanzine editor, or other sort of important scenester was a jerk, sexist, homophobic, etc. I took this personally and often brooded on drives home about how IMPORTANT it was to notice and point out their jerkiness. Eventually, I concluded, not soon enough, that hardcore was just like the real world. There were cool people, there were plenty of jerks, and many were very insincere. A lot of popular scenesters and band members had bloated egos or serious delusions of grandeur. At the Modern Language Association’s annual conference in Philadelphia at the end of 2009, I met a lot of friends who I had known from my weblog, Twitter, and other social media. I also encountered a certain person who is very prominent in the digital humanities. They are someone I have interacted with online and had been a fan of their very popular weblog. After I introduced myself, this person couldn’t have been a bigger, egocentric, asshole to me. Totally dismissive, self important, and uninterested in anything but himself. In the past, I would have been distraught and agonized over this, but now I just shrug it off and move on. Just because someone is an awesome theorist/blogger/podcaster, doesn’t mean they will be a good person. Nor, however, does it take away from their art.
  • Save ephemera: I run a website called Hardcore Show Flyers (and it’s sister website Hardcore Punk Misc) which archives show flyers from the mid to late seventies to a few months from now. I’ve been in the habit of saving flyers, folders, handouts, and other ephemera since I was a child. The first scanner I bought in 2000 allowed let me to begin digitally archiving a lot of what would become the roots of Hardcore Show Flyers. Since becoming involved with attending, and putting on, conferences and symposiums over the years I have saved and scanned a lot of things which I hope one day will be useful or interesting to someone. I’d rather spend the time now and save something, than wish someone else had later.

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Guest Blogging: Prof Hacker + Blogging Woolf

I want to highlight a few guest blog posts I have contributed in recent weeks:

First, I contributed to about the role of social media at the conference. There is a lot of great information and ideas in that post. I tried to come at it from a different angle that hopefully supplement the other ideas.

Secondly, I wrote a post about the role of intertextuality in Mrs. Dalloway for the Blogging Woolf weblog. This coincides with the Mrs. Dalloway Online Discussion Day that happened a day later as part of Woolf In Winter. Hopefully, in the future, I will be writing a few more posts for Blogging Woolf.

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Links & Kinks In The Chain: Collaboration In The Digital Humanities

One of the best panels I attended was on the role of collaboration in the Digital Humanities. I got to meet up with some friends from Prof Hacker and Twitter like Jason Jones and Bethany Nowviskie, who were both on the panel. I also caught up with other friends who I have known for some time as well.

My notes aren’t really detailed, I suppose, but here is what I wrote down during the panels:

Jason Jones

  • What does collaboration mean?
  • Social media role
  • Twitter is a crowd sourced search engine
  • Institution based models of collaboration are 20th century

Laura Mandell

  • Two point of views about collaboration
  • Hybrid scholar: Interdisciplinary scholar who begins in English, but ends up in computer science
  • Hybrid field: Experts in discipline come together (Example: An English professor and a java scriptor) to work on a project
  • Hybirds don’t have fit in modern university
  • Modern universities prioritizes those in ensconced fields

Bethany NowviskieMonopolies of Invention

  • Consider institutional status (staff, adjuncts, etc) “can’t afford to make trouble”
  • Digital Humanities can fix intellectual property problems
  • UVA must tell patent office about new patentable DH

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One of the reasons I have been pretty quiet in recent months is that I am writing a lot more on Twitter () these days. As Jill Walker-Rettberg notes, it is much easier to dump a series of links (what used to be posted here as “weekend reading” or “weekly reader”) and get instant feedback and discussion from peers and friends. I agree with Jill that this does not offer more long-term discussion, like she gets on a lot of posts, but this weblog doesn’t get a lot of traffic so that doesn’t bother me too much.

My concern at this point is with that real-time discussion. I like the idea of having more long-term discussion in comments like Jill gets, or websites like Prof Hacker, but it is not really realistic for here. This weblog has never been traffic heavy and comments are sporadic at best. Twitter allows me to get instant feedback and discussion going about links, topics, and anything else going on at the moment.

Lately, I have thought a lot about the changing focus of this domain. This line of thought began after I read Torill Mortensen’s recent post about the changing focus of her own weblog. My focus has changed from blogging about personal views, commentary about literature and technology, and my own private life to more about teaching, upcoming publications, and other miscellaneous events.

I will still post about literature and technology, and the intermixing of them, from time to time. Linux is in my thoughts, now more than ever, and will get coverage from time to time. In general, however, my focus has shifted and slowed down to focus on my teaching and writing.

Like Torill, I am a bit embarrassed by how actively I used to blog. When I began in 2004 I would set a goal to post at least ____ times per day/week and it led to some seriously silly/embarrassing posts. As the technology changes and we move to more real-time conversation I am sure this domain will continue to evolve and grow with it. Stay tuned.

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#dh09 & #thatcamp

For the past week or so, I have followed the tweets from two conferences: Digital Humanities 09 and That Camp (An “unconference”  Here is a good explanation of what that means).  Due to some monetary constraints, I was unable to attend but could follow what was happening in real time due to the massive amount of posts on Twitter by attendees via the hash tags and .  I was able to interact with them, comment on what was happening along side, and meet new friends and Twitter followers.

Twitter has really changed conferences.  For years I have always kicked myself when I miss an interesting conference.  Live blogging has made this less painful, but real time coverage on Twitter really changes how people not even at the conference can interact with presenters and attendees.  I was definitely not the only non-attendee commenting and asking questions to people in attendance.

Soon, I will have a number of posts commenting on topics I read about on the #dh09 and #thatcamp tags.  For now, the notes Digilib posted for various panels is a good place to start.  After this week’s discourse, I am more proud of the Digital Humanities than I have ever been before; clearly this was the right direction for me to take and I hope to begin a career in it soon.

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Spring Symposium

On Tuesday we had our program symposium at Monmouth. I spoke on a panel discussion about academic publishing alongside a few professors and other students from my program. We had a good discussion from both the perspective of students and faculty members. The conversation was greatly enhanced by excellent questions from the audience of faculty and students.

Among the topics which came up included networking on the Internet and at conferences, following submission guidelines properly, joining listservs, and the differences between manuscript and article publishing. I got to discuss publishing in Online journals at length and also defended the academic discourse that goes on in my Twitter feed.

Here is a of my brief opening statement. I don’t think anyone else had prepared statements, but I will check and encourage them to upload if they do.

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  • via : the Lakers replayed the Marvin Gaye national anthem tonight at their game:
  • Good night/morning, off to bed once I finish watching @ on Colbert
  • @ haha that happened to me the 1st time I used Second Life too. Page down also fixed it.
  • Ars Technica on Ubuntu 9.04 (out in 3 weeks!)
  • @ Say Hi to everyone for me; I have too much going on down here to make it up.
  • Remixing my GCal. NP:Curtis Mayfield-Curtis
  • testing something
  • testing it again
  • Test #
  • Test 4 #
  • Ok I tried to add that selective Twitter app to Facebook, but it won’t update at all now.
  • @ Good morning.
  • @ I am listening to an Australian band right now.
  • Oh now it is working. Good.
  • @ The Birthday Party
  • @ One of my favorite bands. Early eighties postpunk (I guess? That’s the best description I suppose)
  • @ Oh wow. Yes very small!
  • Emily Short on agency in Interactive Fiction: #
  • Good morning/evening. Have to write weblog posts and work on thesis revisions today. NP: Harmony In My Head podcast from last week.
  • @ Did you go last night?
  • @ you can interchange the “well, Obama didn’t change that policy, so BUSH WAS RIGHT” meme as well. the worst crap.
  • Oh, I weblog roll last night too
  • New Weblog Post: Weekly Reader #
  • If you’ve sent me an email in the past 3 or 4 days, I am answering it right now #
  • Writing weblog posts for the week
  • Posts written on John Joseph’s book + Backtype. Scrapped two others.
  • NP: Ornette Coleman-Sound Grammar
  • @ I am very envious of you + others power to get that done.
  • watching @ live tweet women’s pro soccer. NP: Miles Davis-Cellar Door Sessions Disc 4
  • Watching first two episodes of the Second Doctor adventure “The Seeds Of Death”
  • Hmm…an Australian job Twitter profile added me…
  • @ Thanks for adding me, big fan of OLM
  • Good morning/evening. Starting in new school district today. Going to leave a little early b/c I am not sure on the map where the school is!
  • Long day (in a good way) at new work. Ran into old friend from shows. Also, mother of deceased best friend. Which was sad but awesome too.
  • Just listed myself in the local Twitter directory in ZIP 08050
  • New Weblog Post: Evolution Of A Cro-Magnon #
  • Working on some thesis revisions. Want to have new (final?) draft by end of week. Listening to new ep of All Go No Slow!
  • @ Twhirl isn’t showing either yours or my icon either right now!
  • RT : From The Onion: “Scholars Discover 23 Blank Pages That May As Well Be Lost Samuel Beckett Play” #
  • @ They were so kind to add me to their weblogroll, so am especially excited to promote them. need more + more digital pubs like it.
  • @ I’m not losing anything but icons, so plenty of room over here :)
  • @ your pic is back now
  • @ added!
  • RT : The Alternate Reality Game database is now on Twitter. Let them know what sort of info you’d like to see: @ :)
  • @ Hmm, now all of my msgs are gone from Twhirl!
  • @ I get the same from English.
  • Watching eps 3 + 4 of The Seeds Of Death
  • @ I update a few accounts (and FriendFeed) using Twhirl
  • @ Twhirl is great in Linux too!
  • Good morning/evening. So far, not working today (but already scheduled for Thursday!). Need to email adviser w/ a thesis idea.
  • @ Yes, a Twitter presence would be great. RSS is good, but being on Twitter gets attention much easier/quicker. A great idea.
  • Finished rereading Woolf’s “Three Guineas” this morning. Next up: Barth’s “On With The Story”
  • Vermont FTW #
  • Just submitted a proposal to Transformative Works & Culture:
  • @ An interview proposal about MMOs. I loved the Ashby essay on fan fiction and anime in their first issue.
  • @ they def look awesome on women
  • Printing off pieces of original thesis draft and working with it for new version. Had a great idea today for one portion #
  • @ Yes! I think I have a solid breakthrough. One of the original portions I might just cut out however b/c it’s just not working
  • @ A few pieces that are gonna not make the cut might be flippable into journal articles however. So hooray.
  • @ Yep :)It looks like I will have plenty to keep myself busy with for awhile…
  • @ I don’t play much right now, but the proposal is about literature + 2nd life, especially the work of @ (but don’t tell her!)
  • @ you got a DM :)
  • @ Have a wonderful day Christy
  • Hey, 7 of 9 is on Law & Order tonight.
  • Ok time for bed…have work in the morning
  • Good morning/evening. A lot to do today after work. Have a run, thesis revisions, and then more and more and more.
  • @ Wow, there is a New Jersey one now? I can just imagine now bad.
  • RT : Tweflth Night in Second Life – pics from the performance
  • Back home. Today was Greek day so I got to teach myths all day and discuss Greek mythology in general to pretty interested sixth graders.
  • @ How is the weather up by you? It got real cold down here in the past 24 hours.
  • Listening to Amy Goodman repeatedly sneeze but make it throw the news headlines on DN!. Over power, over come.
  • @ 9th grade. Just getting into punk more seriously. friend i was w/ was bummed “Kurt is gonna go to hell” defriended him quickly.
  • @ is there a way on Feministing to get a feed on weblog comments that I “like”? I’d love to add that to FriendFeed.
  • Oldie but goodie: Mr. Rogers was a proponent of fair use: #
  • @ I skim comments on Feministing + occasionally hit “like” button. I’ve kinda got comment thread burnout in general from all sites.
  • @ But yeah, glad you like my idea. Would be a cool way to share even more stuff.
  • Typing up notes I found for a fiction project I never started. Prob 2 years old. Still looks pretty good.
  • @ Yeah, you are totally right, that’s a way better way to describe it.
  • I’m surprised there isn’t a “Twitter Crush” Web Site yet.
  • I like having subbing listings Online, but hate that I am now obsessively refreshing.
  • Also: new district I am in has morning announcements available via RSS. Cool.
  • Democracy Now! is on Twitter: @
  • @ I’m sure there already are and probably always have been. Just seems a lot more transparent nowadays.
  • @ A live event I really enjoy is the nightly/morning set of tweet links you offer!
  • @ we can work on that :)
  • Nice! Just got email to upgrade GrandCentral account to Google Voice
  • Watching final 2 eps of The Seeds Of Death
  • Ah! @ from Dollhouse is on Twitter. The best part of the show by FAR.
  • Oh, Good morning/evening. Eating breakfast right now then shower and then food shopping w/ Mom. Cat is sleeping under desk.
  • A site that auto runs a “virus scan” just showed up in my Google Alerts. New method for scummy malware/virus creators to get you to click?
  • @ Thankfully I am not running Windows.
  • @ In WordPress I use a plugin called Twitter Tools
  • Kristeva + Moi essays on de Beauvoir in new PMLA #
  • RT : Hey folks! Follow @ on twitter–NOW!!!
  • @ Fox cutting Dollhouse’s last ep=I don’t think will invest in a Fox show ever again. Sick of this bullshit network screwing shows
  • New Weblog Post: Backtype #
  • @ Selena!
  • @ With
  • @ I blogged about Backtype today
  • @ Ugh, yes.
  • @ They’re pissed their 2000 year old scam is falling apart. Only people I’ve banned have been Christians too.
  • @ We got extra this week *passes you some*
  • Piecing new thesis draft together from original draft. Devoting all morning/afternoon tomorrow to tinkering w/ some ideas. #
  • Great new Firefox Add On=Tree Style Tab I now have my tabs at bottom of screen
  • It lets you hide your tab bar too. FTW!
  • Welcome my pal (going back to IRC and Newsgroups!) Selena @ to Twitter
  • Good morning. Slept in bit this morning so late start. working on thesis until run at 3pm.have library on shuffle:
  • Just had a proposal accepted for a journal #
  • Strongly considering scrapping portion of thesis about PWG. just isn’t working for me & is kinda redundant now given section on TWOG/Dracula
  • @ I love my Gateway laptop. I mostly run Ubuntu Linux on it, but have XP partition also. No big problems ever.
  • @ Mine gets really hot once in awhile, but I figured out the combo of programs that did it and then it ceased.
  • RT : Tip of the Week– A dating web site actually uses your Netflix rental and rating history for matching:
  • @ OHH a piece of my thesis might be spinable for that journal. thanks for linking
  • @ please thank SG for recommending Tree Style Tabs. Really changing my Firefox experience. I love the tab auto hide feature.
  • Off for run and then dinner. Be back.
  • RT : The Consequences of Anti-LGBT Bullying
  • @ How many years back with Backtype eventually crawl for comments? Seems to be going further back for me (which is great!)
  • @ haha people do that on garden state parkway too. total epic fail when they almost plow into a cop responding to an accident/etc.
  • @ socialist class war spreads to our highways! alert glenn beck!
  • @ No, but I am now.
  • Finishing up a few odds and ends before Dollhouse. NP:Mahavishnu Orchestra-Birds Of Fire Morning to @ and @
  • @ Erm, there was supposed to be a “good” before morning. Wishing a good morning, not just a morning :)
  • Going to channel @ for next few hours & offer links to what I reading NP: The Blue Humans-Live New York 1980
  • Taken from:
  • @ rip slamhita long live desifeminista!
  • Reading about Shia Family Laws in Afghanistan. Boy freedom sure is on the march there ugh:
  • Reading about UofM going digital:
  • Nice comment about UofM from In The Middle: hopefully the turn to digital is the end of the $90 scholarly book:
  • Reading Double Cross @ excellent interview w/ Ivo from the NJHC band Vision:
  • Reading about misogynists on the Internet: HT to @
  • @ Ok, sounds good. I’ll try to submit more weblogs/individual posts that are older to help out.
  • NP: Hendrix’s Peel Session 12-15-67..the version of Spanish Castle Magic on here is really wild.
  • Freja Beha Erichsen is really beautiful (pics NSFW probably)
  • Reading about evolution on weaponry on BTVS
  • @ Hey you’re coming to the bash right?
  • @ I really enjoyed last night’s ep. Great work by @ & I love the development of DeWitt further. Bummed 2 week wait.
  • Rushdie on Bolano: HT to @
  • Checking out TOC for new issue of Open Letters Monthly
  • Daily Kos on “perfect storm” of right wing hatred:
  • More on Internet misogyny
  • I was thrilled to supporter of the woman profiled in those two articles.
  • @ Yep, will do. I have years of comments saved on the dying Furl website I need to go through and submit to Backtype
  • NP: Lon Moshe & Southern Freedom Arkestra-Love Is Where The Spirit Lies
  • Lars Weiss of Uppercut/Judge/etc interviewed by @
  • Reading @ on drug decriminalization in Portugal
  • Wired on @ filling his admin w/ RIAA people
  • The hair on my arms stands up when they play the old TWiB theme at the end of the new version of TWiB #
  • @ Why do guys even think that would work? Ugh.
  • Twitter idea=service that sends you a tweet when new calendar item is coming up. (wait, suggest me a site that does this? I bet they exist)
  • Immediately found results using Greasemonkey Twitter script in Google search
  • Hmm, most results seem to be for adding gcal events via twitter, not receiving a tweet from a gcal when an event nears.
  • Been rewatching Beast Wars on DVD…ala another 90′s favorite, Gargoyles, there are a LOT of Shakespeare references.
  • RT : Liked “Warning: Twitter Hit By StalkDaily Worm”
  • @ My favorite classic:

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