William Patrick Wend () is a lecturer in the liberal arts department at
Burlington County College. You can contact him by .


In Progress
“Virtual Macbeth: An Interview With Dr. Angela Thomas.” Transformative Works & Cultures (Forthcoming Spring 2010) (Draft upload soon)
War Prayers: Hypertext Novella. 2004.
Shelley Jackson: The Writer Whose Medium Is Reality. Feature article for The Quarterly Conversation. March 2010.
. MA Thesis, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. May 2009.
Intro To E-Lit: How Electronic Literature Makes Printed Literature Richer. Feature article for The Quarterly Conversation. March 2009.
Scholarly/Conference Presentations
(March 2011, Ocean County College)
(May 2009, Monmouth University)
(December 2008, Monmouth University)
(April 2008, Monmouth University)
(November 2007, Monmouth University)
Blogging Woolf: Writer for scholarly Virginia Woolf weblog, 2010.
Digital Humanities Now: Real time, crowd sourced, online publication which aggregates the pulse of the digital humanities community over a number of Internet tools, 2009.
New Media Projects
Hardcore Show Flyers: An archive of hardcore punk gig flyers from 1978-2008. 2007-Present
Quick Fix Magazine: Monthly column and photographs focusing on independent music and culture. 2007.
Signifying Nothing: Podcast covering independent music & online webzine focusing on independent music, culture and a final resting place for my self published fanzines from 1995-2002. 2005-2007, 2010.
Scholarly Guest Blogging
: Academics and Social Media: #mla09 and Twitter, 2010.
I see a message from the government, like every day
I watch it, and listen, and call em all suckas
They warnin me about Osama or whatever
Picture me buyin this scam I said never
You in tune to a Hard Truth soldier spittin
I stay committed gives a fuck to die or lose commission
Its all a part of fightin devil state mind control
And all about the battle for your body, mind and soul
And now Im hopin you dont close ya mind – so they shape ya
Dont forget they made us slaves, gave us AIDS and raped us
Another Bush season mean another war for profit
All in secret so the public never think to stop it
The Illuminati triple six all connected
Stolen votes they control the race and take elections
Its the Skull and Bones Freemason kill committee
See the Dragon gettin shittier in every city
So now you askin why my records always come the same
Keep it real, aint no fillers, motherfucka blingin
Mine eyes seen the gory of the coming of the beast
So every story every word Im sayin Fuck Peace
See you could witness the Illuminati body count
Dont be surprised these is devils that Im talkin bout
You think a couple thousand lives mean shit to killers?
Nigga I swear to God we the ones – aint no villans [sic]
Or any other word they think to demonize a country
Aint no terror threat unless approval ratings slumpin
So Ima say it for the record we the ones that planned it
Aint no other country took a part or had they hand in
Its all a way to keep ya scared so you think you needem
Praisin Bush while that killer take away ya freedom
How many of us got discovered but ignore the symptoms?
Niggaz talkin loud but aint nobody sayin shit
And with the 4th Amendment gone eyes are on the 1st
Thats why Im spittin cyanide each and every verse
I see the Carlyle group and Harris Bank Accounts
I see em plead the 5th each and every session now
And while Reichstag burns I see the public buy it
I see the profilin see the medias compliance
War is good for business see the vicious make a savior
Hope you understand the time brother cause its major